Jame Printing provides a plethora of services that includes the design of custom stickers, which are useful in various spheres such as promoting an event, providing a personalized gift, and permitting brand packaging. In particular, the products promote the business as well as serve as wonderful gifts or souvenirs.
The beauty of custom stickers offered by Jame Printing is that they give one the creativity to design them in any way that one feels fits the occasion. It is particularly great for an event like a wedding where one can make custom stickers that will fit into the colors and theme of the event. The skilled printers and designers thrive to make the occasion memorable by working with you and realizing your creative ideas into a sticker.
Whether it is a custom sticker or not, Jame Printing offers a lot of flexibility to its customers with regards to the color scheme, logos and images to be featured on the stickers. The finishes however are available in matte and glossy. If the requirement is to exhibit some wow factor without overpowering the image the glossy finish is perfect. For those who want a low glare finish, Jame Printing offers a matte finish that is more apposite for conservative and minimalist style designs. Further, they help to blend in well with the surface that they are applied to.
We are detail oriented when it comes to quality and therefore source the best materials available in the market to guarantee every sticker produced is durable and water resistant. We also have a great track record of quick turnaround times and high capacity orders, meaning we are able to sell products in anticipation of events and retail sales easily.